Your shocks provide so much more than just comfort . When you need your shocks taken care of, trust Lyon's Muffler & Brake to give you and your vehicle the quality you deserve. Going to a specialist to service shocks makes all the difference in the performance of your vehicle. Give us a call & we'll be happy to answer any questions you have about shocks for your car, truck, or SUV.
What do shock absorbers do?
Essentially, shock absorbers do two things. Apart from controlling the movement of springs and suspension, shock absorbers also keep your tires in contact with the ground at all times. At rest or in motion, the bottom surface of your tires is the only part of your vehicle in contact with the road. Any time that a tire's contact with the ground is broken or reduced, your ability to drive, steer and brake is severely compromised.
Despite popular belief, shock absorbers do not support the weight of a vehicle.